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Future Research


White Ladies of Kashuby

Polish Gingerbread

Development of the Polish Alphabet

Period Polish Embroidery

When I joined the SCA nearly a decade ago, I knew I wanted to do something different from the majority with my persona. I looked to my parents' ancestry; Italian, Polish and Lithuanian.  I decided I wanted to learn more about Poland and chose it as my area of interest.  Just this decision took nearly three years. If you were to ask me to tell you  about my persona, I would say she is member of the Szlachta or Polish nobility, living in a country manor not far from Cracow in the 2nd quarter of the 16th century. But I do not limit my research of Poland exclusively to that time.  If someone comes to me with a question about another time or place in Poland, I will do my best to help them.


There are many misconceptions about the culture and people of Poland especially during SCA time which is up to the 17th century. My hope is that the information presented here may clear up some of those misconceptions or, in the least, get people to think. 


Often when doing my research, I found that a resource was "lost' due to war or invasion up to and including World War II of the last century. But new resources and references are surfacing everyday. This is a work in progress and I always welcome information from others on Poland.

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